Professional hypnotherapy and psychosocial therapy services in Amsterdam.

  • Bespoke therapy using evidence-based techniques to meet individual needs

  • For help with anxiety, lack of confidence, phobia and trauma.

  • Therapy service in English, French and Dutch.

  • Reduce anxiety

    Are you looking to reduce anxiety, fears and phobias and start experiencing calm in your life? My goal is to support you to heal from traumatic experiences.

  • Reduce work-related stress

    Do you experience work-related stress and feel like you are going beyond your limits? With healthy work-life balance you can experience joy and purpose in your work.

  • Boost your self-confidence

    Are you lacking confidence and feel like it doesn’t matter what you do, it’s never good enough? I am here to support you (re)gain confidence and increase your self-esteem.

  • Experience joy

    When we can heal from early trauma, you can learn to be curious, creative and playful and start to take care of your inner child, that part of you that may have been neglected or has had to grow up too fast.


My approach.

My approach is always client-centric. What issues do you need to resolve, and what triggers hamper your ability to be happy? As everyone is unique, each session with my clients is too. I also have a vast experience and understanding of corporate life which can support in improving your work-life balance, boost your confidence, and support you in resolving work-related conflicts. My practice is called “Your Happiness” because that what my practice is about; finding the key to your happiness by getting rid of the obstacles that have been in way and supporting you in finding the necessary tools to improve your self-esteem.

What People Are Saying


Ghislaine showed deep empathy that provided a safe space for me to be able to trust, and be open to healing. Ghislaine lovingly guided me towards reconciling with my past, through a variety of tools and means at her disposal, ranging from hypnotherapy, EMDR, stress reduction techniques etc.

Now I dance as if no one is watching. When I do stumble, as we all surely will, I now have a set of simple, yet effective tools to help me pick myself again. Of greater importance however, I am learning to live life with a greater compassion for myself and everyone else.



My experience with hypnotherapy and Ghislaine was amazing. I am really glad that I have met her, she helped me a lot and taught me a lot of tools to overcome the issues with social anxiety. She is really kind and understanding, I felt that I could share with her everything and open up. I saw some progress after starting working with her, I became much more happier and I am sure I will see more positive changes in the future. I am extremely grateful to Ghislaine, she is wonderful therapist and I would recommend her to everyone.



I have never done hypnotherapy before but was open to it. It helped me to identify feelings that I was unaware of and to clarify some things for me that I didn’t know where there. For example, I wasn’t aware that I have unresolved anger issues toward a sibling and it is something I actively work on now. Ghislaine is a great therapist to bring you “places” and provide you an environment for self-discovery.

